Recently, the provincial housing and urban and rural construction office issued on accelerating the development of the steel structure of the guiding opinions, to accelerate the development of the province’s steel structure. “13th Five-Year” period, our province to the new public buildings with steel structure building more than 20% proportion, and continuously improve the proportion of urban and rural housing construction steel structure.

According to the “opinions”, “13th Five-Year” period, our province will gradually improve the policy system, technical standards and regulatory system, and vigorously promote the application of steel structure in public buildings and industrial buildings, actively and steadily push forward the steel structure residential building, explore the application of light steel structure building, cultivate 5 to 8 furniture has a strong strength of steel structure industry group.

In order to promote the development of steel structure building, all localities should recommended steel construction prefabricated construction project evaluation “Mount Huangshan Cup” “Luban prize”, survey and Design Award, award of progress of science and technology, and actively support the steel construction project participating green building demonstration projects, vigorously support steel structure enterprises to declare the modernization of the construction industry demonstration base. At the same time, improve the standard system, promote key technology and complete technical research into Standard Specification for design and construction, improve the ability to promote the steel structure building design and construction of generalization, modularization and standardization; fostering industrial clusters, encourage steel and conventional steel structure industry transformation and upgrading, foster a number of leading enterprises and industrial base. To foster the formation of several steel structure production and application of the core city, radiating surrounding areas; building industry alliance, integrated steel structure products investment, R & D, design, production, construction and sales resources, realize talent, technology, information, market and resource sharing; implementation of general contracting, steel structure shall be adopted in principle the total project contract mode and the integration of design and construction.